Joan Samson was the daughter of Edward W. Samson, a nuclear physicist, and his wife Helen, née Verrall, a teacher. She attended Wellesley College from 1955-57, her undergraduate years interrupted by marriage and by following her husband to Chicago. She finished school at the University of Chicago (B.A. 1959), and taught elementary school in Chicago (1959-60). Soon afterwards her marriage broke up. She taught further in Newton, Massachusetts (1960-63). She also taught in London, England, in 1965-66, and in London, on 27 May 1965, she married Warren C. Carberg, Jr., a library administrator. They lived in Europe for a few years before returning to Massachusetts. They had two children, a daughter and a son. Samson went back to school at Tufts University (M.A. 1968), taught at a country day school in Brookline, Massachusetts, in 1968-69, and worked as a manuscript editor of the journal Daedalus from 1973-75.

Samson's only novel, The Auctioneer (New York: Simon and Schuster), is dated 1975 but was not published until mid-January 1976. Five weeks later the author was dead of brain cancer. Her novel was briefly on the bestseller lists, and a film was planned but never came about. The Auctioneer was also published in England, and in Dutch and Spanish translations. Centipede Press published a lavish limited edition in 2010, with an introduction by Ed Gorman. A Valancourt Books reprint appeared in 2018, with a new introduction by Grady Hendrix and an afterword by Warren Carberg.
The Auctioneer is not really a horror novel. It is better classified as a non-supernatural suspense story. Set in a small town in New Hampshire, it concerns a newcomer, auctioneer Perly Dunsmore, who comes to the town and basically takes over everything by forcing townspeople to contribute each week to his auctions, by which he raises money for himself and for the increasing supply of town deputies he controls. Those who refuse to contribute each week soon find themselves, or their family members, victims of some kind of misfortune, often resulting in maiming or death. The townspeople quickly fall in line, and despair at finding a way out. The tense atmosphere grows in a long crescendo before any resolution is possible. The novel also works a parable of the devastating effect of the commercial mindset on people, small towns, and the old traditional ways. It has been hailed as a minor classic, but it is not without some flaws.
The novel started as a ten-page short story, which her husband encouraged her to continue. It is based somewhat on the experiences she and her husband had vacationing and spending weekends in rural New Hampshire. Carberg noted that it was inspired by a vivid dream: "Joan awoke one day, she said, with the feeling that the dream had just handed her a situation and an impression that she must write about. What subsequently evolved was a thrilling suspense story."
Great blog! And thank you so much for taking the time to provide this great information on Joan Samson. There is so little about her online other than short dust jacket blurbs. I run a book club and our selection this month is The Auctioneer and I'm already getting feedback from many of my members on how much they like the book.
ReplyDeleteThanks for writing!
ReplyDeleteDoug, great review, thanks for digging that up. I have been reading that book every year or so for the last 20 years- and every so often I try to find out something, ANYTHING about her life, and have come up with just about nothing. Curious, if you have a moment, as to what the flaws are that you recognized. I love to read, but tend to not pick up much of "inner meaning" stuff until someone else points it out.
ReplyDeleteThanks for writing, Helmut. The main flaw I recall of the book is that the passivity of the main characters, and indeed of the townspeople, just went on unbelievably too long. It taxed the willing suspension of disbelief, to my mind, at least.
DeleteDoug, After I sent "thanks for your Samson review", I looked this page over and realized you're a big deal (not being sarcastic). So I do appreciate that you took the time to reply. I just got Klinger's Annotated H.P. Lovecraft, but will try your H.P. book next- you get great reviews. In addition, being born in the early 1960's - I'm a big Hobbit fan, and that book of yours got great reviews too- so I am putting that on my list. You got a fan just by replying! Thanks, Tom, Charleston, SC (oh, my real name is Tom).
ReplyDeleteThanks for writing, Tom, and enjoy the books!
DeleteJust requested an inter-library loan of the 2018 version. Thanks for letting me know about the author and book