Benson Bidwell (b. Avon, New York, 2 September 1835; d. Chicago, Illinois,
7 March 1911)

Benson Bidwell
published only two books, both coming out at his own expense in 1907. The first is an autobiography of sorts, with
the breathlessly long title
Bidwell: Inventor of the Trolley Car, Electric Fan and Cold Motor: History of
Early Struggles and Later Successes: With Personal Reminiscences, Lectures,
Essays and Letters (Chicago: The Henneberry Press, 1907). The second is a slim epistolary fantasy,
The Flying Cows of Biloxi (Chicago: The
Henneberry Press, 1907). The latter book has achieved a legendary status. According to Vincent Starrett, who wrote in
1948 in his “Books Alive” column in
Chicago Daily Tribune, “it first came to notice of fantasy collectors, in
1933, when it was listed in
Fiction Digest and attracted attention by its provocative title. Ever
since, book hunters in the fantasy field have been seeking the tale and failing
to find it; it has become one of the famous ‘phantom books’ of recent bibliography”
(11 April 1948). Starrett also quoted Melvin Korshak, who during the World War
II had been stationed near Biloxi and one day went there and questioned the
mayor and a delegation of alderman about the book: “without result, except that I worried them
considerably about a mystery book that took the name of their city in vain. They
didn’t know anything about flying cows, either; and they would like to know
something about Benson Bidwell, the reputed author.” A few years later,
Frederick Shroyer devoted his column (“The Antiquarian Bookshelf”) in the
September 1950 issue of
Advertiser to discussing the book.
Many years later, Sam Moskowitz published “A Collector’s Saga” in
Fantasy Commentator, no. 45/46 (Winter 1993/1994)
a long account of his search over many years to acquire a copy. Typically Moskowitz’s
account centers on acquisition, not on putting any historical perspective on
Bidwell or his book.
Joseph Benson Bidwell was born in
upstate New York,
the third child (of six) of Austin Burhham Bidwell (1804-1865), a confectioner,
and Laura Isabell Butterfield, who were married in 1832. On 3 February 1856, Bidwell married Clarissa Eliza
Walker Burch (1838-1907). They had four children, two sons and two daughters.
Unusually for his time, Bidwell seems to have moved around a lot. According to the U.S. Censuses, in 1850 he and
his family were living in Toledo. In 1860 Bidwell listed himself as a baker in New York City. Ten years
later he is found as a candy manufacturer in South Bend, Indiana. By 1880, Bidwell has moved to Indianapolis, his profession elevated to that of a lawyer,
while in 1900 he had evolved into an electrician in Chicago (the 1890 Census was destroyed by
fire many years ago).

Bidwell first book was a
self-aggrandizing autobiography in which claims are made for various inventions
and episodes from his life are whipped up to the status of myth, complete with
illustrations, some of which are unintentionally quite funny, having captions
like “Baby Brother Petting Snake,” “He Scalds His Mother’s Foot,” “Live
Indian Roasted on Logheap,” “Old Horse Resents Singeing,” etc. The legend to Bidwell’s frontispiece
portrait elevates himself to the status of professor. The prose is also overblown,
and the claims that Bidwell invented of the trolley car, the electric fan, and
the cold motor engine, remind the modern reader of the sham hucksterism of the
likes of P.T. Barnum.
Flying Cows of Biloxi, which is also illustrated with line drawings by the
same artist, purports to collect Bidwell’s letters to a friend telling how,
when visiting Biloxi, Mississippi, in 1893, Bidwell observed that the cows fed
upon spanish moss, which grows only high-up in the trees. So Bidwell invented a way to graft branches of
orange trees onto the cows so they could fly up for their food. The wings have the added advantage of growing
oranges! Another great invention for the talented Bidwell!
From The Flying Cows of Biloxi |
The truth
is another matter. A perusal of
The Chicago
Record-Herald shows that in early 1908 Bidwell and his elder son, Charles Freeman Bidwell (1857-1929), who was also his business partner, were arrested and charged
with fraud and embezzlement. Investors
in his cold motor engine claimed that their money was used solely to fund the
publication of his two books. In October
1908 the pair were convicted of running a confidence game and sentenced to ten
years in prison. Charles Bidwell withdrew
his appeal and accepted the prison term on the condition that his elderly and widowed
father, whom he claimed was near death, could remain free.
An advertisement for the cold motor |
NB: A portion of the above appeared in
different form in the “Curiosities” column of the October-November 2005 issue
of The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction.
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